21 juni 2009

~Jacqueline Collen-Tarrolly~ Illustrator

"I have this theory. I believe that when
the world of Mortal man and the world of Faery
separated and the faerys left, horses were
faery creatures that chose to stay behind with us."
~ Jacqueline Collen-Tarrolly, "E Television" ~

Maeve in Sindbads Adventures  
Jacqueline Collen-Tarrolly is born in Febr. 27 1968 
and grew up in Colorado,
on a small non-working ranch,
outside a very small town. She left the
ranch at 17 for college, where she was
discovered by a modeling agent and
sent to France. She worked for several years
as a model, and then an actress.
During this time, she was married for 8 yrs
to a musician, and they had a son.
After her divorce, she moved to Los Angeles,
where she still lives with her second husband
(as of March 17, 2001), her son, who is now 16
(as of 2006), and her new daughter
who was born in November, 2005.


Jacqueline has from 10 to 20 animals. 
She has horses and dogs and
one funny tutle named Tulip
and usually a few wild rahab animals
around of various species at any given time.


Besides her artwork, Jacqueline owns an all
natural bath and body products company
that she started called Medieval.


Do you want to know more about her?


"Perfect Moment"

I hold a Perfect Moment,
treasured deep within my heart.

And so I keep you close to me
though fate keeps us apart.

A few dark nights, a tiny space,
all white and fairy lit

Became the safest place of all,
your arms the warmth in it.

The whisper of your breath as
it entangled in my hair.

Was the only way to tell each other
just how much we care.

I see you in my dreams and
it's my armour against time.

But I hold this Perfect Moment.
Just one moment you were mine.

1 opmerking:

  1. Not seen her before, lovely and I agree with her about the horses.



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