Born in 1980 In France, and as far as she can
remember she has always drawn. But on paper.
Melanie studied archeology and history of arts,
then she went to a gamedesign school (for 2 years),
which just was not her thing.
She discovered Photoshop in 2005, since then
Melanie has became addicted to it.
All subjects are interest, they just have to talk to her,
but fantasy and dreamy subjects are her favourite's.
LINK HERE to see more
4 opmerkingen:
Heel erg mooi
I found your blog by accident looking for Inga Moore's illustration. Immediately, I was thrilled, because I found here some of the my favorite persons. If you just know how much I admire Karl Larson's art. And when I saw the name of the blog - Love for Books - I knew that this would be the place that will delight me. Because my love for books is huge since early childhood. For me the book is an open door to a magical world from which I never want to leave. I'm so happy I found your blog.
thank you very much for your compliments!
and a warm welcome,
maybe we will meet in that wonderful magical world someday?! ;o)
Love, Anna
Amazing beautiful work by this artist!
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