George Barbier was one of the
great French illustrators of the early 20th century.
Born in Nantes, France on Octobe 10 1882.
. .
Barbier was 29 years old when he mounted his first
exhibition in 1911 and was subsequently swept to the
forefront of his profession with commissions to design
theatre and ballet costumes, to illustrate books,
and to produce haute couture fashion illustrations.
For the next 20 years Barbier led a group from the
Ecole des Beaux Arts who were nicknamed by
Vogue "The Knights of the Bracelet"—
a tribute to their fashionable and flamboyant
mannerisms and style of dress.
Included in this élite circle were
Bernard Boutet de Monvel and Pierre Brissaud
(both of whom were Barbier's first cousins),
Paul Irib, Georges Lepape, and Charles Martin.
During his career Barbier also turned his hand
to jewellery, glass and wallpaper design,
wrote essays and many articles for
the prestigious Gazette du bon ton.
In the mid 1920s he worked with Erté to design
sets and costumes for the Folies Bergère
and in 1929 he wrote the introduction for
Erté's acclaimed exhibition and achieved
mainstream popularity through
his regular appearances in L'Illustration magazine.
Barbier died in 1932 at the very pinnacle of his success.
~Read more about George Barbier~
George Barbier werd geboren op 10 Oktober 1882
in Nantes, Frankrijk.
Toen Barbier 29 jaar oud was, had hij zijn 1ste
tentoonstelling en werd vervolgens gevraagd
voor de productie van haute couture mode-illustraties.
De komende 20 jaar daarna leidde Barbier een groep,
de Ecole des Beaux Arts, met bijnaam
Vogue "De ridders van de Armband" – genoemd.
een eerbetoon aan hun modieus en flamboyante
maniertjes van stijl in kleding.
. .
Tijdens zijn carrière ontwierp Barbier vele sieraden,
glas en behang ontwerpen,
en schreef essays en vele artikelen voor het
prestigieuze Gazette du Bon Ton.
Barbier overleed in 1932 op zijn hoogtepunt van zijn succes.
. .
13 september 2009
~Georges Barbier~
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4 opmerkingen:
They just look so French - good post Anna.
Wonderful...one of my favorites too ;O)
what a wonderful post -- very interesting! thanks!
Hoi Anna,
Die Georges Barbier kon er wat van! Prachtige prenten uit de Belle Eqpoque. Alleen al de jurken die de dames dragen zijn om van te watertanden. Mijnheer Barbier heeft ze prachtig weergegeven!
Fijne avond! Hartelijke groet van Madelief
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