Meredith Dillman is a fantasy artist and
illustrator from Minnesota who specializes in fairies
and fairy tale paintings. Meredith graduated
from Minnesota State University Moorhead where
she studied art. During college she won several
awards the Minnesota Newspaper Association for
her illustrations and comic strips in the
university's student paper. Most of her art is
created in watercolor. Her artwork has been
published in the role playing game
The Everlasting and other books. Meredith's art
can be found online, at fantasy, science fiction
and anime conventions across the
United States and as licensed products.
Meredith Dillman is een fantasy artiest en een illustrator
uit Minnesota (VS), ze is gespecialiseerd in
Elfjes en sprookjes en heeft gestudeerd aan de
Minnesota State University Moorhead, tijdens deze
opleiding won ze al verschillende Awards.
Ze werkt het liefst met waterverf.
Haar werk is te vinden in verschillende boeken
zoals hieronder in een lijst vermeld staan!
Meredith's Work has been Published in:
• Mercury Brightman: The First Sign by Mary E Gober - 2005
• In Light Times - 2007
• Dragon Prince and Fae Born by Terri Pray - 2006
• How to Draw and Paint Fairies by Linda Ravenscroft - 2005
• 500 Fairy Motifs - 2005
• Moonshadows Magazine - 2005
• Pentacle Magazine - 2005, 2007
• Aquarius: A Sign of the Times Newspaper - 2005
• Artwanted.com Ceative Minds - 2005
•The Everlasting: The Magician's Companion - 2004
• Watercolor Fairies - 2004
• Circle of Stones Journal - 2004
• Final Twilight Collectable Card Game - 2004
• Now Playing demo - May 2004
•The Everlasting: The Book of the Fantastical – 2003
•"Best Genre" for Fairy Queen's Passage at Nimbus 2003
•Minnesota Newspaper Association Better College Newspaper Contest, 1st and 2nd place Best Cartoon , 2003
•Minnesota Newspaper Association Better College Newspaper Contest, 2nd place Best Editorial Cartoon , 2002
•Minnesota Newspaper Association Better College Newspaper Contest, 1st place Best Illustration, 2001
3 opmerkingen:
She is a great artist i really love her 'Tempest of the Soul' comic.
You can read it online from the beginning if you like at:
Wonderlijk hoe ze de stijl van schilderen soms kan veranderen. Een dame met vele 'handschriften'. Knap, want dan ben je ook in staat om je stijl aan te passen aan het verhaal.
vriendelijke groeten,
Love her work but didn't really know anything about her. Thanks.
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